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Aims of the School

At Collingwood Primary School, our curriculum is centred around our following values:

Collingwood Values

We're here to learn and never give up,

Respect and friendship bring us luck,

Think big, look far and make the best of

who you are.

Our aims are:

  • To find and foster at least one skill or attribute of which each child can be proud.
  • To provide a secure, happy, stimulating and caring environment with an aspirational curriculum in which all children can achieve their potential.
  • To develop the academic and physical abilities of all children to the fullest extent.
  • To promote inclusion, equality and diversity through everything we do.
  • To foster the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of each child, and to encourage good behaviour, good manners, and consideration for others.
  • To create and promote good relationships between home, school, and the wider community through which the child's best interest may be served.
  • To encourage children to be resilient, to think for themselves, to develop self discipline, and to promote the principles of independent life-long learning.

Please visit our curriculum and twitter pages to see how our overall aims translate into our vibrant curriculum and day-to-day practice!


Contact Us

Oswin Terrace, North Shields
Tyne & Wear, NE29 7JQ

(0191) 605 3378