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Curriculum Intent

At Collingwood Primary School we have designed an aspirational and inclusive curriculum that considers the context of our children, their background, life experiences, opportunities and culture, so we can offer a wide range of experiences to ensure both academic and personal growth.

Our curriculum is designed to meet the needs of all learners, in a safe and nurturing environment, based around our values of loyalty, service and lifelong learning. Our curriculum is carefully planned and sequenced to ensure clear progression and opportunities to prepare our children for future life. We aim to ensure our children experience a wide breadth of study and have the 'sticky knowledge' to support their long-term memory of 'procedural' (can be applied/skills) and 'declarative'(concepts and facts) knowledge. Cultural capital helps us prepare our children with the essential knowledge and skills to be thoughtful members of our community, who understand and believe in British values.

Staff are committed to offering extra-curricular clubs to enrich the experiences of children. We encourage our children to try new things or to practise skills they already have. It is our aim that our curriculum will increase pupil confidence, self-belief and positive mental health with a rich knowledge that encourages perseverance so that they can fulfil their future dreams.

At Collingwood Primary School, our curriculum is centred around our following values:

Collingwood Values

We're here to learn and never give up,

Respect and friendship bring us luck,

Think big, look far and make the best of

who you are.

As part of our curriculum we will cover shorter themes such as: Anti-bullying, British Values, Big Me - the Future, Harvest Festival, Christmas, Cooking, Easter, E-Safety, World Book Day and Science, Technology,Engineering and Maths (STEM).

Curriculum Enrichment  

By the time our children leave us in Year 6 they will have:

  • Visited a farm
  • Visited a theatre
  • Visited a beach
  • Visited a museum
  • Visited a wood, forest or nature reserve
  • Visited a castle
  • Been swimming
  • Learned to play a musical instrument
  • Visited a place of worship
  • Fundraised for a worthy cause
  • Been offered the opportunity to attend a residential trip
  • Been offered the opportunity to attend our free breakfast club
  • Accessed a library
  • Took part in elections for school council
  • Visited local landmarks
  • Worked with an art specialist
  • Travelled on public transport
  • Took part in a performance
  • Took part in a sporting festival
  • Visited a local high school
  • Experienced specialist coaching provision from NUFC and Newcastle Eagles
  • Experienced specialist music provision
  • Offered the chance to attend an after-school club
  • Investigated career opportunities through our STEM weeks
  • Took responsibility for a job in school

Curriculum Overview

Please click on our Curriculum Overviews below which show you the different topics each year group will cover each term.

Subject Areas

Contact Us

Oswin Terrace, North Shields
Tyne & Wear, NE29 7JQ

(0191) 605 3378