Times Table Rockstars Times Tables Rock Stars is a carefully sequenced programme of daily times tables practice in a fun and engaging way. Children from Year 2 - Year 6 will have a login for this.
Mathletics Mathletics is an engaging, supportive online learning resource - targeted to the maths curriculum. Children in Year 1 - Year 6 will have a login for this.
Maths with Michael White Rose have now teamed up with Michael Underwood to create a series of videos designed to help parents understand the changes to teaching methods in Maths. White Rose have now teamed up with Michael Underwood to create a series of videos designed to help parents understand the changes to teaching methods in Maths.
White Rose Maths - Home Learning White Rose Maths is a scheme of learning we use in school to help support our teaching of maths. There is a lot of useful videos on here which match the current content being taught in school.
Tutor Bot Tutor Bot contains completely free online maths games where children can practice their mathematics skills. It features over 100 different customisable games which we believe children will find to be a fun and new way to improve their mathematics fluency, accuracy and speed.
Top Marks Top Marks Education: This has a number of maths games for cross key phase objectives including; Shape Patterns, Hit the Button, Measuring in CMs and Subtraction Grids.
Maths Frame Huge array of activities and teaching tools includes the Multiplication Table Check Emulator for Year 4.
Oswin Terrace, North Shields
Tyne & Wear, NE29 7JQ