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  • Religious Education

    At Collingwood Primary School, our RE provision aims to allow children to explore their own beliefs through learning about different religions, beliefs, values and traditions. Children are given the chance to develop respect and sensitivity towards others, promoting acceptance of different faiths. At Collingwood, we aim to combat prejudice and disrespect to others, ensuring our children can live alongside others in our multicultural Britain today.

    Religious Education can lead children into various careers, such as: Chaplin, pastor, lecturer or teacher.

    The school is not affiliated to any religious denomination, but enjoys a close relationship with St Peter's church which is nearby in the local community. Children are involved in regular acts of worship in a variety of forms with visitors invited to assemblies from a range of differing backgrounds. Celebration assemblies are held on a weekly basis for all children from Reception to year 6. Children from years 1 to year 6 enjoy a weekly phase assembly. These phase assemblies include: the school prayer/ singing and music/ games/ celebration of stories and religious festivals from Christianity and other religions/ deep philosophical questions/ British Values/ Climate change issues/ Current affairs/ Careers/ Aspirations/ Feelings and Friendship. Any parent wishing to exercise the right to withdraw a child from assembly or RE should contact the Headteacher.

    Contact Us

    Oswin Terrace, North Shields
    Tyne & Wear, NE29 7JQ

    (0191) 605 3378