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  • Year 3

    Welcome to Year 3

    Homework for Year 3 is reading at least 3 times per week (ideally a little every night) and in addition, they may receive handwriting sheets to practise their letter formation and handwriting joins.  There will also be some maths activities set to help them with their learning in school and we encourage the children to practise their times tables by competing on Mathletics and Times Tables Rock Stars.

    Please click below to find out what your child is learning about each term.

    Year 3 Topic Webs

    Collingwood Primary School - X (Twitter) account - Follow us on Twitter! 


    At Collingwood, we encourage children to read at least 3 times per week (ideally a little every night). We use a reading race incentive to encourage children to read at home. This involves children reading at home and once they reach 40 reads, they earn a golden coin that they can spend at our reading book vending machine. 

    Reading books - Changed weekly for children on the RWInc programme and as required for children who are on our Reading Scheme and beyond. Children will also select their own chosen 'Share With An Adult' library book, which will be changed as required. 

    Dates for the diary

    PE: Our PE days in Year 3 are Wednesday and Thursday. 

    Homework: Mathletics, TTRS and EdShed (spellings)

    Spellings: Given out on a Monday. Spelling test on a Friday. 

    Useful websites

    You can use the following websites to support your child’s learning at home, using the logins provided in the front of your child's reading diary. 


    Contact Us

    Oswin Terrace, North Shields
    Tyne & Wear, NE29 7JQ

    (0191) 605 3378