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Year 6

Welcome to Year 6

Collingwood Primary School - X (Twitter) account - Follow us on Twitter! 


Miss McDonald (Team Leader), Mr Brown (6CB) & Mrs Ingleby (6SI) 

Support Staff: 

Mrs Bell & Mrs Cunningham 

Important Information: 

Doors open: 8:50am (closing at 9am prompt) 

Collection time: 3:20pm 

Please can the children bring in a named water bottle and a coat each day and ensure ALL school uniform is named.

Year 6 Topic Webs

Please click below to find out what your child will be learning about each term.

PE: Monday and Friday (6SI Swimming). Children should come to school in their PE kit these days. This consists of navy or black joggers/shorts with their white or yellow PE t-shirt as well as their school hoodie or school jumper. On swimming days, please ensure children bring in their swimming kit, towel and do not have earrings on. 

Homework: Homework for Year 6 is reading at least 3 times per week (ideally a little every night).  Students will receive weekly spellings from Autumn 1. To support online learning, children can access: Mathletics and Times Tables Rock Stars, Spelling Shed and Reading Plus. Logins will be sent home in the first few weeks.

Later in the year, the children will receive activities and tasks to help them prepare for their Y6 SATs and your support for this is much appreciated.

Spellings: Children focus on age-related spellings on Spelling Shed. Children will receive spellings every Monday from their Fundamentals' teacher to then practise at home every night and return to school on a Friday.

Reading: At Collingwood we encourage children to read at least 3 times per week (ideally a little every night). We use a reading race incentive to encourage children to read at home. This involves children reading at home and once they reach 40 reads, they earn a golden coin that they can spend at our reading book vending machine. 

Teachers carefully pick every child's reading books depending on their reading level. Books will be changed at teachers' discretion once they feel the child is confident and ready to move on. 


Home Learning: 

You can use the following websites to support your child's learning at home.

Your child's logins are located in the front of their reading diary so they can access the pages below. 

Contact Us

Oswin Terrace, North Shields
Tyne & Wear, NE29 7JQ

(0191) 605 3378